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:: year 9, Issue 1 (5-2022) ::
CJS 2022, 9(1): 125-135 Back to browse issues page
Scientometrics in the Field of Nuclear Science in Iran based on Articles Indexed in the Web of Science
Samira Daniali , Nosrat Riahinia * , Hamzehali Nourmohammadi , Ali Azimi , Omid Safarzadeh
Department of Information Science and Knowledge Studies, Psychology and Education, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran , riahinia@khu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1853 Views)
Background and aim: Citation analysis and drawing citation maps is one of the widely used techniques in the analysis of scientific documents. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to learn as much as possible about the field of Iranian nuclear sciences by creating a citation map based on scientific metrics.
Materials and methods: This applied descriptive study was conducted using the citation method. In this study, all scientific productions of Iranian nuclear sciences (6155 documents) in the period of 1990-2021 and on May 26, 2021 in Web of Science (WoS) were studied. VOSviewer and Excel were used to analyze and draw the citation map.
Findings: The results showed that Annals of Nuclear Energy was the best journal with the publication of 187 documents; Qavami's article (2014) was the best article with 530 citations, and Seyyed Mohammad Nabavi was considered the best author in the field of nuclear sciences with 23 documents and 993 citations. Among the universities in the country, Islamic Azad University took the first place with 868 documents and 6577 citations. The most cited documents in Iranian nuclear sciences were placed in 12 subject clusters, making the first cluster with the subjects of Medical Physics and Nuclear Medicine formed the largest cluster with 21 documents. The most frequently cited authors in this subject area also had 21 subject clusters, making the first cluster the largest with 103 authors and the subjects of medical physics and radiology. Moreover, the most frequently cited organizations in this subject area had 19 subject clusters, with the first cluster being the largest with 70 organizations.
Conclusion: Although the growth process in the production of documents in the field of nuclear sciences in Iran has been accompanied by ups and downs, scientific production in this field is generally increasing. The results of the citation analysis in this field can be an effective step in identifying as many scientific productions as possible and in keeping track of publications and considerations in this field for policy making in the shortest possible time.
Keywords: Scientometrics, Nuclear sciences, Iran, Map of science, Citation map, Web of Science
Full-Text [PDF 958 kb]   (1604 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Orginal | Subject: Scientometrics
Received: 2021/06/8 | Revised: 2022/09/26 | Accepted: 2022/09/11 | ePublished: 2022/09/26
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Daniali S, Riahinia N, Nourmohammadi H, Azimi A, Safarzadeh O. Scientometrics in the Field of Nuclear Science in Iran based on Articles Indexed in the Web of Science. CJS 2022; 9 (1) :125-135
URL: http://cjs.mubabol.ac.ir/article-1-244-en.html

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