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:: year 1, Issue 1 (7-2014) ::
CJS 2014, 1(1): 28-32 Back to browse issues page
Survey of qualitative and quantitative growth of Iran scientific production in the sport sciences field: A study in ISI
Masoud Yaminifirouz * , Seyed mohmmad hosein Razavi , Seyed Emad Hosseini , Hossein Adabi Firozjah , Hossein Narimani
Shomal University , yamin_sport@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (26192 Views)

Background and aim: Today, the measuring and monitoring of science in different fields and issues are considered in different centers and universities. This study aimed at determining the qualitative and quantitative growth of scientific production in the field of sport sciences.

Material and methods: This research was a Scientometric study which analyzed the indexed scientific papers in Iran from 1994 to 17 March 2013 in the field of Sport Sciences by using qualitative and quantitative indices of (ISI) database. Data capture source, ISI base and 302 samples of recorded degrees in Iran were investigated in above years. The data were analyzed by Excel software.

 Findings: Results showed that the Iranian researchers published 302 degrees in this base from 1994 to 17 March 2013, which were referable in 1515 cases up to now and the h index in this scientific field was estimated 20. Scientific papers in the field of sport sciences have had the growth process since 2007. The highest scientific production has been in Tehran University of Medical Sciences with indexed degrees, Islamic Azad University of Tehran University with 42 degrees and 28 degrees, respectively.
 Conclusions: Given the number of professors, researchers and students We can say that scientific publications in the field of sports science In terms of quantitative (302 document) is not optimal But according to the h index is said to be optimal in terms of quality.
Keywords: Scientific production, Iran, Sport sciences, Scientometrics, ISI
Full-Text [PDF 712 kb]   (4471 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Orginal | Subject: Scientometrics
Received: 2014/02/24 | Revised: 2018/08/3 | Accepted: 2014/05/18 | ePublished: 2014/07/13
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Yaminifirouz M, Razavi S M H, Hosseini S E, Adabi Firozjah H, Narimani H. Survey of qualitative and quantitative growth of Iran scientific production in the sport sciences field: A study in ISI. CJS 2014; 1 (1) :28-32
URL: http://cjs.mubabol.ac.ir/article-1-24-en.html

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