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:: year 11, Issue 2 (11-2024) ::
CJS 2024, 11(2): 14-24 Back to browse issues page
An assessment of applications of digital health in Iran: A scientometric study
Abdolahad Nabiolahi , Hassan Shojaee-Mend * , Abdoljavad Khajavi , Mohsen Sahebanmaleki
Department of General Courses, School of Medicine, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran , shojaee@gmu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (318 Views)
Background and aim: Considering the increasing demand and costs of health care, it is necessary to know the practical aspects of digital health as a new field in service provision and doctor-patient interaction. The aim of the present study was to analyze the applications of digital health in Iran with a scientometric approach.
Materials and methods: The current study is an applied research in terms of objectives, descriptive in terms of data collection method, and was carried out with an scientometric approach. All publications in the field of digital health in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and IEEE Xplore databases were retrieved by searching and extracting words according to medical subject headings and authoritative texts within target years. The VOSviewer and HistCite softwares were used to draw the word co-occurrence map.
Findings: The results of this study showed that the annual increase in digital health studies has occurred from 2012 to 2022. The highest frequency of vocabulary was observed in machine learning (33 cases), and mobile health (24 cases), and the lowest was observed in gamification and robotics (2 cases). In addition, the scientific map showed that out of 198 nodes, the four main clusters in the field of digital health in Iran, including deep learning, mobile-based programs, humans, virtual reality and artificial intelligence, have been considered more, and in areas such as COVID-19, pregnancy and other subcategories, mobile phone-based programs have been developed.
Conclusion: Analysis of the applications of digital health in Iran showed that although some topics such as deep learning and virtual reality have emerged, providing appropriate infrastructure, training different groups of users, and making a favorable transformation in the field of health and treatment are highly significant, which should be taken into account by managers and policymakers.
Keywords: Digital health, Science analysis, Scientometrics, Iran
Full-Text [PDF 780 kb]   (159 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Orginal | Subject: Scientometrics
Received: 2024/05/26 | Revised: 2024/09/18 | Accepted: 2024/10/6 | ePublished: 2024/10/23
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Nabiolahi A, Shojaee-Mend H, Khajavi A, Sahebanmaleki M. An assessment of applications of digital health in Iran: A scientometric study. CJS 2024; 11 (2) :14-24
URL: http://cjs.mubabol.ac.ir/article-1-345-en.html

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Caspian Journal of Scientometrics
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